Optimización de la atención sanitaria:una mirada en profundidad al procesode administración de enfermería

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Orlando Cruz
Octavio Perén


Nursing is essential to achieve high-quality, efficient and ethical healthcare. Throughout history, nursing management has included theories and principles that have made it a force. This universal process, which consists of the stages of planning, organizing, directing an dcontrolling, promotes operational efficiency and continuous improvement.

Making decisions related to nursing management, based on ethics and
various methods, develops reflective skills for solving complex problems.
Effective communication becomes the link for quality care, creating empathetic connections that improve coordination and promote a positive
work environment. In complex environments, optimal time management
seems relevant, introducing techniques that allow the use of resources
even in difficult conditions. Nursing leaders play a vital role in providing
more effective, patient-centered care. In the digital age, technology
has become an important partner, speeding up processes and improving
documentation and security. Ethics is at the center of all management,
ensuring that decision-making is full of responsibility and respect. Finally,
excellence in healthcare is achieved through a continued commitment to
quality and safety, making nursing administration tireless advocates for
patient well-being. 

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